Heartworm is one of the most dangerous diseases that can be happen to dogs and cats. As we know, many dogs have been died due to this disease. This disease comes from the bite of the mosquitos. The mosquitos will get the microfilaria from a dog that is already has microfilaria inside the body. The microfilaria will live in the mosquitos for several times to be able to infect another dog. Due to its danger, we need to know what the best heartworm medicine is. This is necessary for us to know how to treat the infected dog. This is important to get the medicine as fast as we can before it’s too late for us to cure the dog.
Before knowing what the best medicine is, we have to know how the disease comes out to a dog. Dog is the natural host for the worm. So, it is normal if the most suffering animal due to its disease is them. As mentioned before, the worm is distributed by the mosquitos. After the worm is being inside the mosquitos, it needs several times to get mature and ready to infect other dogs. When the mosquitos bite other dogs, the mature microfilaria is ready to infect.
Inside the dog’s body, it will grow to be a mature worm. But, there is a requirement for the worm to grow. It is the temperature in the dog’s environment. The temperature should be above than 57 Fahrenheit degrees to make the microfilaria active. After the microfilaria is active, it needs 8 days in minimum. The time will be extended if the temperature gets lower than the requirement. After it gets to the required temperature, the stage will get started at the last point. After that, the microfilaria will grow and be the mature worm.
The mature worm can be very dangerous to the dogs. Realizing it, the veterinarians start to develop some heartworm medicines that may help saving the dogs from dead. The key is by preventing the development of the microfilaria to be mature. The medicines used are ivermectin, milbemycin and selamectin. The medicines are strong enough to prevent the microfilaria from getting adult, but they have many side effects like anorexia, ataxia, and even the blindness. When you are facing an infected dog by the heartworm, the best way is just by preventing the microfilaria from getting adult. Since every medicine has its own risk, you have to be wise when choosing one of them.
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