Recognizing the Symptoms of Colon Cancer That Often Occurs

symptoms of colon cancer

The colon cancer is a kind of cancer that attacks your colon. This cancer is one of those kinds of cancer that kills many of the victims. It is the number two killer if you compare it to other kind of cancer. More than 600 thousand people are died because of this cancer in the world every single year. It happens because most of the people are not realizing the symptoms of colon cancer. The symptoms of the cancer is very common experienced by many people. That is why most people do not realize that what happen to them is the first sign of colon cancer.

The first symptom that is often felt by many people who has the colon cancer is the pain in the abdomen. The pain felt is also different, starts from the full stomach feelings, knotted stomach, or pain as if you want to defecate. This is why those who experience it rarely realize the colon cancer. The second symptom is the small bulge appears on your stomach. At first, there the bulge on your stomach is small and becoming increasingly large. In addition, you will feel the pain when you press this bulge.

The third symptom you experience is usually related to your defecating routines. If you are in a routine of defecating starts to change, either it become more frequent or less frequent, this could be a sign. In addition, a change in the form of feces was also one of the symptoms of colon cancer. In addition to the change in the form of feces, blood comes out when you are defecating is a sign that you have colon cancer. Because of the cancer, colon wall can bleed and the blood will go along with poop that you waste.

Those three are just some symptoms that commonly occur when you are having the colon cancer. For you who have any of those symptoms, you do not need to worry. This kind of cancer is not a kind of malignant cancer. The colon cancer can be cured in an easy way. It is to control the food intake for your body. Do not eat something that is too spicy or too sour, since this kind of food is not good for your health. You all have to know that your health is the most important in your life, since without your health; you will not be able to do anything. Therefore, take a good care of your health

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