What is the most important organ in a human’s body? Almost every person who read this will answer that the most important organ in our body is the heart. Heart is called as the vital organ of human body due to its function in pumping the blood and it also takes a very important role in the circulatory system. The blood will be delivered to all the body from the heart. Having a super organ inside our body means we have to know more about the Heart Structure and Function. Knowing these things will make us more concern and take the heart more carefully.
As its function is to pump the blood to the whole body, heart is supported by strong muscles to help it does the contraction and relaxing. The muscles of the heart contain of strong and thick muscular cells. These kinds of muscles are needed because to accomplish its job, heart should contract hardly. The hard contraction makes the blood can get to the whole body easily. As the heart pump it strongly, we can prove it when we are injured. When we are getting injured and an artery is being cut, the blood will splash strongly. But, we don’t need to be injured to know how strong the heart is beating. We can just put our finger in the place where there is a big enough artery and we can feel how strong the pump is.
Heart is consisted by some vital parts. Heart has 4 chambers in it, they are: right ventricle, left ventricle, right atria and left atria. Every chamber has its own function in supporting the heart. The atria are the place where the blood from all over the body enters the heart. It is connected to the vein. The ventricles are the place where the blood is being pumped to the whole body. It is connected to the artery. The ventricles have thicker muscles than the atria. This is caused by the task of the ventricles to send the blood to the whole body.
The function of the heart is to pump the blood to all over the body. This becomes very important thing in our lives since the blood is needed by all the organs inside our body. The blood contains oxygen that will support the organs to do their tasks. After we know deeper about the Heart Structure and Function, we have to concern more about the health of our heart.
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