If you ever notice, every kinds of illness have their own specific symptoms that appear before the worse condition, especially if it is the life threatening illness. Some life threatening illnesses that are often acquire by people nowadays are cancer, stoke, and diabetes.
The diabetes is the most common among those illnesses. If you are not sure whether you are having diabetes or not, then you may want to check some of these pre diabetes symptoms. There are a lot of symptoms that you may experience, but the symptoms that will be mentioned are only the common symptoms of the diabetes.
The first symptom is your body will get tired easily. Getting tired or fatigued is natural, especially if you are doing an exercise or any other heavy activities. However, you have to be really careful if you feel that your body is weaker and you feel really tired when you are doing nothing. This could be one symptom of pre diabetes. The second is the weight loss.
For some people, weight loss is something that they wanted. However, you have to know that to lose your weight, you have to change something; it is either your diet or your way of life. If you do not change any of those things, and still you are losing your weight, then you would better check yourself up to the clinic. Weight loss, especially the significant one can be one symptom that you are getting the diabetes.
The third common symptom is thirst. People with diabetes will often feel thirst. It happens because most of the people with diabetes are losing much of their body fluids, so that they often feel thirst. If you often feel thirst as you never feel before, you might experience the pre diabetes symptoms. That is why, it is the your time to see the doctor immediately.
Those symptoms above are only some commonly experience symptoms. Of course, noticing all of those symptoms earlier is a very good, since you will have to know what you have to do next. For your information, the descendant whose parents are having this illness has a six times bigger risk to get the illness. Therefore, if any of your parents have the illness, then you have to check the sugar level of your blood often, once every two months is a right schedule. One thing you have to know, preventing is far better than curing.
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